Micro Bidding

Micro bidding is a pro feature for those who want to optimize their campaigns for maximum performance and accuracy.

It allows us to make a custom bid for a parameter and treat it differently within a campaign. There are 13 such parameters (which you can combine), for example:

  • Publisher;
  • Device;
  • OS;
  • Location;
  • etc.

Micro bidding saves you money and time because you don't need to create multiple split campaigns, blacklists, or whitelists anymore.

Let's look at some examples to see micro bidding in action.

Example 1

Let's say your target CPA is $2.5. Android 8 is the most converting OS, but the overall CPA is $2.9. Typically people think about blacklisting, but blacklisting Android 8 will cut 78% of traffic. Reducing CPC just for Android 8 i.e. by 20% would be a much better solution.

Example 2

Two of the most converting publisher are way below the target CPA. Win Rate is a measure that shows how much traffic you buy from the parameter. In this case, 62.5 and 43.8 respectively. By raising CPC for them, we can buy the rest of the most relevant traffic left.

Micro bidding parameters (the full list)

The structure is the following: parameter:value:operation with a bid.

!!! The spaces are not acceptable.

sub_list_identer an Subscribers List ID, e.g. 1197sub_list_id:1197:-0.2
publisher_identer a publisher ID, e.g. 48965publisher_id:48965:+1
site_identer a site ID, e.g. 41563site_id:41563:/0.5
carrierenter a carrier, e.g. SFRcarrier:SFR:+0.4
devicemobile, computer, tabletdevice:mobile:*0.4
connection_typeenter a connection type: wifi, cellular, ethernetconnection_type:wifi:-0.1
ISPenter an Internet provider, e.g. Orangeisp:orange:+0.1
OSenter an operating system, e.g. android 6os:android 6:-0.9
weekdayMO, TU, WE, TH, FR, SA, SUweekday:fr:*0.4
hourput the number from 0 to 23hour:15:-0.3
ipenter an IP, e.g.
region / city / zipregion / city / zipregion:ca:+0.1
creative_identer a creative id, e.g. 38746creative_id:38746:+0.7

The register is of no importance.

Operations with a bid:
+ --- add to a bid
- --- deduct from a bid
* --- multiply a bid
/ --- divide a bid

Our micro bidding supports the CPC payment model only. If you use this feature in the Pops campaign, you should divide the micro bid value by 1000 to get CPC from CPM. Or just use the operations of multiplication and division with your original bid. It's a lot easier.

Example 3

Your original bid on Pops campaign is 2 CPM. You may use one of two operations to make the bid for publisher ID 77889 equal to 2.5.

  1. publisher_id:77889:+0.0005
  2. publisher_id:77889:*1.25

We recommend using the second way.

NB! If you use more than one rule, e.g. country: usa:+0.2 and device:mobile:+0.3 in case, when both rules are followed 0.5 (0.2+0.3) will be added to the bid.

One of the main Micro bidding mistakes to avoid

It is crucial to mention that multiple micro bids cannot be added for one unique “parameter+value”.

For example, if you already raised a bid for one site with the formula site_id:41563:*0.5 you can’t raise it once again for this parameter using another magnifying factor, for example, site_id:41563:*0.7. It won't work with the second formula. 

Editing the first formula is the right way to go.

Hot update! Now you can set up Micro bidding much easier

Micro bidding can also be set up using our feature Optimizer that is placed on your cabinet's “Campaigns” page. 

Click on the Optimizer's icon and make the changes to the campaign using Micro bidding options in one click.

There are two main benefits of using Micro biding from Optimizer: 

1. A client puts the bid based on statistics. This saves a lot of time.

2. In the Optimizer, there is no need to put the long formula we discussed earlier. 

Here you can see the specific parameter such as sublists, publishers, sites, OS, and devices.

So, in the campaign’s UI marketer have to set up the full formula:


In the Optimizer, the client already sees that he is on the Publisher Id tab, so he just needs to find line 2645, and type *2 in the field. 

Use the Micro bidding option and save your time and money. 

Learn more about Optimizer here.

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