Campaigns Tab

As you sing in your account Campaigns tab appears. There is info about this tab and how to use it.

The Campaigns tab looks like:

You can sort campaigns by some categories:

  • status (any, active, stopped)

  • advertising channel (all, push, pops)

Also, if it’s necessary, you can enter the campaign name (or ID) in the search bar and the desired campaign will be displayed.


When you open the campaign page, statistics for all campaigns are displayed by the following parameters:

  • status - shows the campaign status (for example, on moderation, paused, active)

  • bids/cpa goal - shows the current bid in the campaign

  • daily budget - shows the budget set in the campaign

  • winrate - the percentage of impressions that can be redeemed after the campaign is launched.

  • impressions - the number of impressions in the campaign

  • ctr - total ctr in the campaign

  • clicks - number of clicks

  • eCPA - average CPA for the campaign

  • spend-spend on the campaign

  • engaged clicks - the number of engaged clicks on the landing page

  • engaged clicks, % - the percentage of engaged clicks on the landing page

  • conversions - number of conversions

  • conversions (approved) (c1) - number of confirmed conversions

  • eCPC-average bid

  • eCPA (approved) - average CPA (confirmed) for the campaign

  • CVR - % - coefficient showing the percentage of conversions from clicks

  • CVR - % (approved) - coefficient showing the ratio of conversions (confirmed) to clicks

  • revenue - the amount received from conversions

  • profit-income

  • ad rank-campaign rating

You can select only those parameters that are needed by clicking on the Columns button, and remove the rest by unchecking the boxes next to the parameter. You can also change the order of the columns.

You can set the time period for which you want to view statistics (it’s set by default, the date when the tab is opened):

  • today

  • yesterday

  • 7 days

  • 30 days

  • this month

  • last month

  • custom (set the required period yourself)

There is a slider to the left of the Name column that turns the campaign on or off. Also, in the line with the campaign parameters, you can edit the bid or budget without opening the campaign.

You can see a blue dot in the Campaign status column. You will see recommendations, by clicking on the dot, for optimizing the campaign  which you can apply without going to the campaign editing page. 

To apply these recommendations, click on the blue dot and then on the Apply button.

There are two lines at the bottom of the page:

  • Totals: Filtered campaigns - general statistics on selected campaigns
  • Totals: Account - total account statistics

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