Tutorial: Additional Features in Push campaign

Let’s see how to set up additional features in a push campaign.

Advanced Targeting

  1. New Subscribers only: allows targeting only for users that subscribe on push notifications during the last 7 days.
    - Clicks on New Subscribers only button.

  2. OS: Helps to target on or exclude from a campaign a specific OS
    - Click on the Include button if you want to choose the OS. And click on the Exclude button if you want to add it in black list.
    - Choose the necessary OS from the list.

  1. Browser: Helps to target on or exclude from a campaign a specific Browser
    - Click on the Include button if you want to choose the Browser. And click on the Exclude button if you want to add it in black list.
    - Choose the necessary Browser from the list.

  1. Browser language: Helps to target on or exclude from a campaign a specific browser language.
    - Click on the Include button if you want to choose the browser language. And click on the Exclude button if you want to add it in black list.
    - Choose the necessary Browser language from the list.

  1. Connection type: Helps to target on or exclude from a campaign a specific connection type.
    - Click on the Include button if you want to choose the connection type. And click on the Exclude button if you want to add it in black list.
    - Choose the necessary Connection type from the list.

  1. Carrier targeting: Helps to target on or exclude from a campaign a specific carrier.
    - Click on the Include button if you want to choose the carrier. And click on the Exclude button if you want to add it in black list.
    - Choose the necessary Carrier from the list.

  1. ISP: Helps to target on or exclude from a campaign a specific Internet service provider.
    - Click on the Include button if you want to choose the ISP. And click on the Exclude button if you want to add it in black list.
    - Choose the necessary IPS from the list

  1. Manufacturer: Helps to target on or exclude from a campaign a specific device manufacturer.
    - Click on the Include button if you want to choose the manufacturer. And click on the Exclude button if you want to add it in black list.
    - Choose the necessary manufacturer from the list

  1. Model: Helps to target on or exclude from a campaign a specific device model.
    - Click on the Include button if you want to choose the device model. And click on the Exclude button if you want to add it in black list.
    - Choose the necessary model from the list.

  1. IP: Helps to make white/black list of IP addresses.
    - Click on IP targeting button.
    - Click on the Include button if you want to choose the white list. And click on the Exclude button if you want to choose the black list.
    - Type the necessary IP addresses: every IP address should be started from a new line.

11.  Webview allowed: Helps to turn on/off webview notifications.
       - Click on Webview allowed button.


  1. Lists: allows to choose a group of sources, where your ads will be shown. All groups are merged based on publisher quality

    To choose all premium group sources: Check the box next to the required group or open the group and check the box next to the required sources.

    To choose particular sources: click on the button Input values manually and type the necessary sources.

You can input a list of sources manually: Click on the Input values manually button and enter the necessary sources. Click on the Apply button.

  1. New Premium lists: Helps to turn on new premium lists as soon as they appear on the platform.
    - Click on button Turn on new premium lists automatically

  2. Black/White List: Helps to create black/white lists of publishers or sites.
    - Click on White or Black button.
    - Enter the necessary sources of publishers or sites.

  3. Micro bidding: Helps to increase/decrease bids by certain parameters.
    - Enter the parameter, then its name on the platform and operation with the bid.


  1. Campaign time: Helps to set up time at which the ad will be shown.
    - Click on the Local Time or UTC button.

  1. Start time: Helps to set up the start and end date of the campaign.
    - Click on the Now or Set a range date button.
    - By choosing Set a range date, select the start and end date and time for the campaign.

  2. Schedule: Helps to set up the days and hours of the week when the ad will be shown to users.
    - Check the box days and hours when ads should be shown.

Automated Rules

  1. Automated rules: Help to create white/black lists automatically or increase/decrease bid based on certain parameters.

    1.1. We have 2 types of automated rules presets:
    - Subscribers List.
    - Publishers.

      1.2. There are 2 presets to blacklist sources
      - Blacklist expensive sources.
      - Blacklist non-converting sources.

     1.3. To add rule you need to click on the presets and set up the necessary parameters.
     Or you can add custom rule:
     - Choose the parameter to which apply the rule: Publisher, Subscribers Lists, Site,
     Creative, Campaign, Device, Browser, OS.
     - Choose the action: White/Black list, Increase/Decrease bid

    - Set up conditions for the rule. It’s obligatory to use two conditions so that the rule     works correctly.
    - Choose Data analysis time period.

      - Choose frequency of checking the campaign according to conditions.

NB! We recommend at least two rules: one for blacklisting expensive sources, and one for blacklisting non-converting sources.

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